Do I have to be creative/crafty/know how to sew to participate?

Of course not! Just be open and non-judgemental, that’s all we ask.  Our hope is that we can be in this space together; spending a few hours each week creating, learning and growing.

I’m a crafty dad, can I participate?

OF COURSE!  We welcome anyone who is excited about this concept and is looking for a creative outlet.  It is certainly not our intention to exclude anybody, the fact is that a couple of moms decided to make this happen–thus the name “MAMA.”  (We could have a “PAPA” set!)

What should I bring/what will you have?

Each MAMA Art Collective has it’s own set of shared supplies and machines.  You can email the site manager to find out what they have and what you may need to bring to complete your project. We are always accepting donations of gently used craft/maker supplies, let us know if you have anything you want to give!  You are welcome to bring any project you are working on, specialized supplies, etc.  Feel free to bring coffee, tea and snacks if you’d like!

Do I have to stay the entire time?

You can come late or leave early, but you have to be in the building the entire time that your child is in the nursery so that we are within childcare regulations.

Do you accept credit card payments?

Cash or check only for now!

What do the membership dues cover?

Membership fees cover the cost of operating the collective space including rent and supplies.


Do you have separate rooms for the children by age?

Many MAMAs are transplants without local family.  Just as we are building a creative community for us adults, we are building a community of children.   While we certainly understand the need for daycare centers to divide the children by age, we first of all don’t have the financial or personnel resources to do that.  Second of all, we truly believe our children are perfectly capable of playing with and around other children of various ages, just as children would with immediate or extended family!  We consider this a chance for them to build a concept of community and family, and that entails being together and playing together.  We will ALWAYS make the safety and happiness of our children a priority.  We do ask that you have an open mind and be willing to give this environment a chance.

What should I bring for my child/ren?

The childcare person/people for each day will be in charge, but we are not professional childcare workers.  You will not be expected to change diapers or potty train others’ children.  Please pack a complete diaper bag just as you would for any outing.  Please keep your phones handy if your potty trained child needs a trip to the bathroom, if your baby has a blowout diaper or if anything else comes up that might need your quick attention.  We will all work very hard to stay true to the co-op environment so we can all get the most out of our workroom time AND make sure the kids are taken care of.

Is my child too young/old for the childcare room?

Babies in carriers/wraps or car seats are welcome to hang out with us in the workroom.  We would worry about any babies that are on the move (rolling, creeping, crawling or otherwise) because they might come across a stray sewing pin or a fascinating ball of yarn.

If you have an older well-behaved child that can be with us in the workroom without putting hands in/around our projects, he/she is welcome to hang out with us!  In fact, many of us starting have very young children, but as our children grow, we hope for a much more free-flowing environment where the kids can move between the rooms and not only enjoy playing with each other, but see their parents being creative!

Below are the childcare policies for the MAMA Art Collective:

  • Maximum time allowed per day: 2.5 hours

  • For the well being of the other children, please refrain from bringing a sick child into the childcare area.

  • Please label all of your child’s belongings with his/her name.

  • Disruptive or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. In these circumstances, parents will be notified immediately.

  • If a child is inconsolable for more than 15 minutes, parents will be notified and asked to return to the childcare area to assist child care provider.

  • Children will be released ONLY to the person who dropped them off.

  • Medications will not be administered by childcare provider.

  • If your child needs to be changed you will be notified by childcare provider. Childcare providers will not change diapers.

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